The Forsaken Throne

Genre: Horror

Author Style: Modernism

Narrative Style: Frame Narrative

Keywords: technology, discovery

Tropes: Redemption Arc, Fish out of Water,

Characters: Alex Rodriguez, Sophie Lee,

The Forsaken Throne
As the wind howled through the decrepit ruins of the castle, Alex Rodriguez and Sophie Lee shivered in fright. They had come to explore the abandoned fortress and had stumbled upon a throne made of pure gold, yet dark and foreboding at the same time. Sophie approached it cautiously while Alex captured the experience on his camera.

As they stood in front of the throne, they heard a loud creaking sound. A trapdoor had opened beneath their feet and they found themselves plummeting into the depths of an underground chamber. The fall was long and nerve-wracking, and Sophie was screaming in terror.

As they landed with a thud, Alex checked his camera, relieved to see the footage was still intact. Looking around, they were stunned to discover that they had fallen into a dungeon decorated with eerie torches and menacing graphics on the walls. They could hear the whispers of the past, the palace and the occupants seemed to be alive within the walls of the decaying ruin.

Suddenly, Sophie pointed to a crumbling wall at the far end of the dungeon. Alex turned on his flashlight, and the pair crept forward, their hearts pounding.

As they approached the wall, they noticed a small hole barely large enough for one person to fit through. Sophie, being the smaller of the two, climbed in first, and Alex followed closely behind, balancing on the uneven surface.

They found themselves in a narrow corridor that led to a grand hall. It was decorated opulently with silks, velvets, and gold-plated decorations which were tarnished with time.

As they walked down the corridor, the sound of a grand ball playing softly reached their ears. Sophie's curiosity got the best of her and she peeked inside the grand hall. The sight stopped her dead in her tracks.

Hundreds of people were dancing, dressed in regal garb with sequins and pearls, and wearing enormous powdered wigs. But they all had hollow faces - there were no eyes, nose or mouth to be seen.

Sophie was horrified, but Alex's excitement got the better of him. He started filming them with his camera, walking closer to the dancers.

Sophie screamed as Alex bumped into one of the dancers and it crumbled away. The room started to shake violently and the couple tried to escape. Suddenly a man, once a king by the looks of his garb, stood up in front of them.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" his deep voice echoed.

Sophie and Alex tried to back away but found that they were surrounded by the skeleton dancers. They could not escape. The King stepped closer to them and reached out his hand.

"Join us. Stay with us forever," he said, his voice soothing and tempting.

Sophie and Alex shook their heads in fear, but their minds had already been invaded by the spell of the forsaken throne.

The next day, the police found their bodies inside the abandoned fortress. They were sprawled on the floor, lifeless and hollow, just like the skeletal dancers. Forensics could not explain the cause of death nor could they explain the decay of their bodies, indicating that they have been deceased for hundreds of years.

The footage on Alex's camera revealed only images of the grand hall, but no sign of the couple could be seen. The story of the forsaken throne remains a mystery, and the ruins have now been declared a no-go zone by the authorities. The memory of both Alex and Sophie will remain forgotten forever.

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